Sunday 16 October 2011

How do I look?

As Christians, our appearance is very important as we represent Jesus. I believe we are obligated to look our best as His Witness. However, we can never forget that the most important part of being a Christian is a clean, well kept life. This is what differentiates us from the girls of the World. We are conscience of our appearance, but we are not ruled by it, we do not flaunt it. Natural beauty is there because it comes from within.

How many times do we ask people, 'How do I look?'...but we must also ask God, 'How do I look...INSIDE?'. We can have the most beautiful clothes, hair and jewellery, but if our inside is ugly with grudges, jealousy, and gossip, how can we really be beautiful?

So girls, keep on looking your best and most of all seek to be beautiful inside, flowing with peace, joy, kindness etc....for sure these virtues will overflow from you and people will see you are beautiful inside out!

Sunday 2 October 2011

UCKG St Lucia

Thank God, I want to share some great new with all of you!

Today is the grand opening of our Church, UCKG in St.Lucia! It will be open everyday, doing what we always do, helping people find God and a way out of their suffering.

The address is 19 Chisel Street, Castries, St Lucia. If you know anyone who lives in St.Lucia, please let them know!

My family are St Lucian, (actually, my Dad is actually from Castries itself) and I have had the privilege to go there. I last visited in 2008. It is a blessing to know family and friends will be able to find an open door at the UCKG.

Keep St Lucia UCKG in your prayers and let us thank God for one more victory!  Below is a picture of the Island and the people in Castries. Colourful aren't we?!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Hear thee, hear thee?

We often take our hearing for granted.
We even get annoyed when we hear something unpleasant.  Here is a list of some of the things I don't like to hear:

1. Loud voices
2. Loud music/TV'S/films
3. Teenagers on the top of a bus (arrrrrgggghhh!)
4. Loud or buzzing machines/gadgets
5. Drilling
6. Arguments
7. Gossip

Did you know that the last sense to go when a person is dying is their hearing? This is very interesting because if you think about it, we seem to be so 'in tune' with our other senses! We use our sight, touch, taste and smell every day. We never eat something we do not enjoy, why? because our sense of taste tells us that we don't like that type of food! We look out the window to see the weather, and our sight shows us to bring out that brolly again! (Yes, good old Britain).

Don't think that because you can physically hear, that you are listening either. We hear many things throughout the day, but are we listening?
How often has your parents told you to do something, and you don't do it?
How often has a friend needed someone to talk to, but you were too busy with yourself, or only pretended to listen to her?

Throughout the Word of God, there is the instruction for us to listen, to hear what God is saying to us. The reality is however, we are just not that good at listening.
I don't know how many times people have told me, do this, don't do that (even God Himself), but I ended up doing the opposite. Why? because I was not listening. I only 'heard'.

If you want, you can make a list of what noises you don't like to hear. Afterwards, make another list of the times you heard good advice, whether from your family, the Pastor, or God Himself.  Can you guess which list will be longer?....uh oh.

You may come to see that you do not hear as well as you think.

Thursday 14 July 2011

The Truth; Part 2

Tip 2: Value it!

If you have the opportunity to have a loved one that does not mind to show you the way when you sometimes go off track, value it! Stay close to this person, as you have a true friend!

It is very boring and strange to only receive praise. Actually, its completely unrealistic.
If we only want to get praise and positive recognition then for sure we wont progress. We will develop this false sense of 'I am good, I am ok' and this is dangerous because the need to change will be less important to us.
This is also a problem as once all the cowards and false friends are gone,  there will be someone to knock you off that pedestal. Maybe you wont value their words. You will feel picked on, misunderstood, hurt etc.

As I said in part one, I am not suggesting by no means that you should listen to 'put downs' and negative criticism from negative people. I am talking about those who love you so much, they want to help you, and they have the decency to tell you to your face.

Thank God I have friends and family like this. I will be honest, its like medicine, it tastes horrible, but it makes us better!

I often take this medicine, and I know its good for me. I am learning and doing my best to put it all into practice, its not easy but I am not looking for praise, only results.

When is your next dose? :)

Tuesday 5 July 2011

The truth......

Why do we find it so hard to tell the truth about what we think, what we like or don't, our opinions etc? Why is it hard to be 'the real me', the real you?

Well, this usually happens when a person is afraid to be criticised. No, please don't get me wrong. I am not talking about the criticism that  people use just to make themselves feel better. You know those ones who NEVER have anything good to say noway? and I am NOT talking about self Criticism either! This has NO benefit for you or others around you!

What I actually mean is when a person impedes themselves from being truthful through fear of being criticised or looking bad. Its when we try to hide our faults or the faults of others to be on 'safe ground'.
But this does not work!

We can learn from our mistakes, but only when they are shown. If we hide our frailties, how will we ever change? Like I wrote in my first blog post, we cannot be over sensitive when we are told something we perhaps would rather not hear.
When our mistakes are revealed to us, it is a beautiful stepping stone for us to jump on to continue our everlasting journey of change!

I remember when a family member of mine would always expose my mistakes. Not in a mean way, but in a way for me to see them, and change. However, I always felt 'picked on' (theres that sensitivity again!). Until one day, God showed me that this person was trying to help me. I no longer felt 'picked on', but I felt loved by that person because they cared enough to tell me the truth.

I will be sharing with you over the next few weeks tips on how to accept the truth gracefully and how to tell someone the truth gracefully. I hope it helps you and your friendships and relationships!

Tip 1:  If your first reaction is to lash back at the person giving the criticism, or to become defensive, take a minute before reacting at all. Take a deep breath, and give it a little thought.
Often, our first reactions are never the best ones, especially if we have just heard something painful to our dear egos.  So take time to understand what the person is saying. 
You may find it to be true after all!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

I wanna be like Mike! Really?

Michael Jordan.

Perhaps he would be the first  name that would come to many of you if asked to name a famous baller.

Well, if you didn't know, he was not always a winner! He failed many times in his life. However he became the greatest basket ball player because he never accepted not to be the best!

OK, its only basketball. Maybe you do not even like basketball....(What??!) But this is the spirit we should have!

Revolt is a very sincere action that leads a person from zero to great.
Do you think it was easy for Michael Jordan to fail all those times? To lose all those game for his team and fans and admit it?

Many times we are not sincere with ourselves. We want everything to be OK so much, that we do not like to admit that maybe somewhere in our own lives we are failing.
Failing as a student, failing as a mother, failing in our careers or families,  even in our spiritual lives. This in denial is not good for us!

When Michael Jordan was failing, he practiced like no other, he was intelligent and knew he would only get better when he took action. He did not blame his upbringing, his past, his team for the situation he was in. He looked at himself sincerely and saw he just was not good enough (ouch).
A person can only take actions to change their life when they look around and honestly see a need to change, a need to revolt.

 Even Gideon felt like a failure,  I am sure. Until one day, in that wine press, he was like "What on earth am I doing here, hiding?!"

You see the problem has never been about failing, only accepting to fail!

Check out this video link below and look at the sincerity of Michael.

Be sincere, you need to revolt, and so do I!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Why eggs?


Well this is my first post. I am NOT a writer, so by the second paragraph maybe you will find something wrong or grammatically incorrect . Well, sorry in advance, I will do my best.

So, my first post and the design of my blog...eggs?

Yes, eggs. Not because they are my favourite food, no! (I do like them though).

I was someone always very sensitive, OVER sensitive. So, like an egg, I would find myself always breaking at the smallest knock. Thank God I am changing!
So the eggs are a reminder to you and me, that we have to be tough in life. When problems, rebukes and challenges come, we have to deal with them in an intelligent way, always using our faith, and never our emotions.

Even writing this blog, these thoughts came, but thats why I am doing it, because I do not accept to be a person who feels inferior or small ever again!

I refuse to crack!

P.s Actually, my first blog design was of beautiful flowers and lovely pinks, but I decided to be true to myself (and the name of my blog) and put simple eggs....... this is the real me.
