Thursday 14 July 2011

The Truth; Part 2

Tip 2: Value it!

If you have the opportunity to have a loved one that does not mind to show you the way when you sometimes go off track, value it! Stay close to this person, as you have a true friend!

It is very boring and strange to only receive praise. Actually, its completely unrealistic.
If we only want to get praise and positive recognition then for sure we wont progress. We will develop this false sense of 'I am good, I am ok' and this is dangerous because the need to change will be less important to us.
This is also a problem as once all the cowards and false friends are gone,  there will be someone to knock you off that pedestal. Maybe you wont value their words. You will feel picked on, misunderstood, hurt etc.

As I said in part one, I am not suggesting by no means that you should listen to 'put downs' and negative criticism from negative people. I am talking about those who love you so much, they want to help you, and they have the decency to tell you to your face.

Thank God I have friends and family like this. I will be honest, its like medicine, it tastes horrible, but it makes us better!

I often take this medicine, and I know its good for me. I am learning and doing my best to put it all into practice, its not easy but I am not looking for praise, only results.

When is your next dose? :)

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