Wednesday 24 October 2012

It's all about me!

I just want to share something that I have been thinking about recently. This picture is a perfect illustration...

Yes, the world does not evolve around you or me! When we fail to understand this, we are a pain! We expect, demand and cry out for everything and don't want to give anything back!
We start to fell unjustified, like we are owed something by everybody, oh what victims! (not).

Instead of being offended by people who do not act the way you want them to, try giving, try doing to others what you would like done to yourself. 

I put this into practice some time ago; first it was with talking. I hated the thought of someone talking about me behind my back, so I made the decision not to talk behind people's backs either. Also, when I needed someone to pray for me or just see how I was doing, I started checking up on my friends and wanting to help in anyway I could, even if it was a small email, a text, a quick call or a prayer.

I am also blessed to know people like this. They show care and believe me, it stands out a million miles!

When we are all about me, me, me, we become selfish and stop giving and because we stop giving we stop receiving. 
To be honest, even this blog is something just for me to give. I really do not like using computers and even get shy of people reading my posts (Yes, my english is bad, that's why we should all listen at school!!).

 Right now I should be getting some sleep, but I know it is not about me.