Friday 21 September 2012

The trend is to think!

For a while now I have seen countless women wearing different coloured nail polish on a few or at least one finger, often their 'wedding ring finger'. (Do we say 'polish' in UK, or is this my Lucian coming out??...I honestly don't know..sorry :\...)

Anyway back to the writing....So, this trend is also known as 'I'm free' and 'stand out' or something, amongst other names. It is basically a sign to let people know they are 'available' (even though married celebs are also following this trend). 

If we do not question why we do things and simply follow anything (without understanding it), then we can easily be lead down the wrong road without even realising. Then, before we know it we are so far down that road, we are totally lost becoming a carbon copy rather than the different woman God called us to be.
Nothing is ever black and white nowadays, there is always something behind something...we just have to be wise and use our brains and find out what it is.

Don't fall for everything! Think and do what is right, following what is good...

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Phil: 4:8).

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Listen up Mama!

Recently I have been looking at what more I can do to win souls. I have been so eager to share God with people, but I looked at myself and though 'but what can I do?'.

Then I realised that many people may also have this same thought. See, we all have different lives, some work most hours of the day, some travel a lot, some have children and the list goes on, we are all different!

So in my desperation, I googled 'ways a Mum could evangelise' etc and it came back with practically nothing...I was annoyed about this as I was hoping it would come up with some great results for me to practise. Then I thought, I will have to come up with my own tips and I did! (I hope it helps the Mums out there).
The truth is, unless you are a Mum, it is difficult to really understand the role and responsibilities that come with it. It is a tough job. Likewise, I have no idea what it is like to run my own company, right? So, as I know what it is to be a Mother,  I came up with these tips and I hope it helps Mummy's!

Love you all :) xx

1. LEAFLETS IN CHANGING BAG- This is something very simple. No Mum leaves home without a big bag filled with nappies, spare clothes or food and drinks for the little one. So why not also put some small leaflets from the Church inside?

2. PARK- I have noticed that having a child is a big key to socialising with people we do not know and would usually not speak to. Mums like to talk, ask questions, 'how much did he/she weigh? Was the birth natural or C-Section? Does he/she sleep well?.......'and the list goes on! Before you know it, you are speaking to someone, so why not mention your Church and tell her about the great things that have happened to you and the people that have used their faith? (Please note, I advise to only speak to other Mum's in the Park, and make sure you keep an eye on the kids!!)

3. PLAY SCHOOL- Just like number two, you can pick up a conversation with someone in no time and start bonding with other Mums whilst waiting for your little one at the School gates! Instead of sitting, waiting for them, get talking!

4. EMAILS/FACEBOOK/TWITTER- This is a great one, and one I love to do! You can reach soooo many people like this, and best of all, you do not have to leave your home at all and can do it any time, day or night! You can share with them blogs from the Church and also messages and information about up and coming events!

5. A BLOG- Share your life and experience with Jesus with others!

6. DAILY ERRANDS- How many times have you heard someone blurt out their problems whilst standing in a bank, store or Post Office? 'I am in pain, my husband left me, my family member is on hospital' and so on? Use your daily errands (linked with number one) and give this person an opportunity for the solution to their problems!

7. PAYING BILLS/SENDING LETTERS- Why not add a Church Magazine or a small leaflet inviting someone to the Church when sending things in the post?

8. ONE MUMS DAY- Take turns to care for each others children. If you have friends that are in the same faith as you and wish to evangelise on the streets, this is a great one! Each week a different friend can care for the children whilst the other mums hit the streets! Next week, the Mum who stayed behind will go out to evangelise and another friends will stay! What a friendship!

P.s- If you can think of more, please let me know!